Cosmic Conciousness
Uluru - 2024

For the recent summer solstice, between the 20th and 22nd December, I attended and spoke at the Cosmic Consciousness Conference at Uluru.

It was an incredible experience — not just speaking before the beautiful, enlightened audience who felt like family (the good kind!) - But most importantly the ceremony on the sand hill overlooking Uluru at the precise time of solstice on Saturday the 21st of December.

It may sound bizarre, but I felt that the main reason why I survived my horrific childhood was to attend that solstice ceremony. Something happened on the sand hill that night which I cannot fully describe, but which made sense of much of my current lifetime.

At the precise time of solstice I sang the Ley Love Down song — Time to Rise — with the many other souls in attendance.

Time To Rise lyrics: 'Ley Love Down where they cross in the morning; it is time to Rise — when we're done they are done.'

The number 5 in numerology relates to freedom. So we sang the refrain 5 times, for freedom.

As we sang together our heartbeats harmonised. It is a known fact that those who sing in choirs together have harmonised heart beats. This was poignantly appropriate as we witnessed & experienced the moment of permanent harmony time of the ley lines – as prophesised by geo-biologist Rory Duff — at the crossing point of two of the Earths rarest and most powerful ley lines, her dragon lines.

Then 5 of the conference presenters, all women (including myself) joined at the centre of the group and ushered in the fifth dimension together with sound and movement. There were incredible sound healers who brought their gifts to the gathering including didgeridoo player Rufus.

I cannot describe the sense of hope and joy in those moments on the sand hill overlooking Uluru. I had terrible experiences in childhood when forced to participate in satanic rituals. The ceremony on the sand hill was the absolute antithesis of what I was forced to experience in childhood. I learned that it is safe to join together with loving individuals en masse for ceremony.

Every soul fragment stolen from me in childhood returned to me during that solstice celebration.

We are now in a time of regeneration. Of healing and renewal. I'm not saying it will be easy. But it will be worth it. The old satanic paradigm is done. They will fight. But they are done.

Those of us who have fought to stay strong, to educate others, who have refused to follow mandates, we who are not in any way meek or malleable, we are the ones who have inherited the Earth.

To rebuild our communities anew. To enjoy a fifth dimensional golden age, living in free will, on our beautiful mother Earth.

Rachel Vaughan - Sixth Science -